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Počet hráčov: 2

Vek: 14+

Doba hrania: 30-45 min. 

Jazyk hry: EN

Jazyk pravidiel: EN

Výrobca: PSC Games
Dostupnosť: skladom
Počet ks: 2 ks
25,90 €
Do košíka


Milito je bojová kartová hra od Martina Wallacea, ktorá vás stavia do čela starovekých armád. Robíte kľúčové a taktické rozhodnutia, ktoré vás povedú k víťazstvu alebo prehre.

Refight battles between the greatest armies of the Ancient World – Republican Roman, Carthaginian, Alexandrian Macedonian, Achaemenid Persian, Gallic, and more! 
Milito is a card-based, diceless wargame by Martin Wallace, putting you at the head of an Ancient army, making the key tactical decisions that will win or lose you the battle. Commanding a combination of troops unique to your own army you’ll play unit cards to take control of the battlefield.
Skirmish with light troops to hold the enemy at bay, use your cavalry’s manoeuvrability to your advantage, and advance your units of well-armoured infantry to drive the enemy away. Flank attacks and army-specific leaders provide further tactical depth. Choose the right moment to commit your best units into the battle line and capture three terrain areas to win the game.
Each card in your hand represents one of your army’s units, which has the same strengths and weaknesses as its historical counterpart. Units are rated for speed, attack strength, defence strength, and other modifiers based on battlefield performance. Leader cards offer combat bonuses and have their own unique abilities – but be warned that not every leader card is a Hannibal or Scipio Africanus!

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