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Výrobcovia / značky

The Grimm Forest

Úvod Spoločenské hryThe Grimm Forest

The Grimm Forest

Počet hráčov: 2-4

Vek: 8+

Doba hrania: 45-60 min. 

Jazyk hry: EN

Jazyk pravidiel: EN

Výrobca: Lucky Duck Games
Dostupnosť: vypredané
Počet ks: 0 ks
53,95 €

The Grimm Forest

Hra na motív legendárnej rozprávky o troch malých prasiatkach, kde prasiatka súťažia v tom, kto prvý postaví domčeky. V tejto hre, ale prasiatkam pomáhajú ďalšie rozprávkové bytosti ako je Snehulienka, Robin Hood, Zlá kráľovna, ... Získavajte zdroje na výstavbu a vyhýbajte sa nástrahám súperov.

Welcome to The Grimm Forest, where family members of the legendary Three Little Pigs are having an epic house building competition. But this is no ordinary competition as all the most famous Fairy Tale characters will be looking on and occasionally lending a hand.
Who will benefit most from the cunning of Robin Hood, the beauty of Snow White, the bountiful gifts of the Golden Goose or the dark witchcraft of the Evil Queen?
Using only their wits, a handful of sharp steel tools, and a few stacks of resources gathered at great risk from fields, brickyards, and even the dark and deadly Grimm Forest itself, each player must compete to be the first to build 3 Houses and gain the title of Royal Builder.
Players are encouraged to use any of the devious tricks they have read about in the many books of Fables found throughout the land. Some will have their plans wrecked by that villain of old, the Big Bad Wolf, while others will gain bricks, straw, and wood by the cart load.
Who will brave the dangers, avoid foul monsters, and bring home the victory? There is only one way to find out... get ready to venture into ...The Grimm Forest!

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